Thursday, August 27, 2009


do you remember those days, when you used to build those forts??
well we decided to make one after a looong drunken escapade the
nite before.. for some reason, we all felt the need to be kids again
and relived those memories since our weekend started off with
ADULT PROM 09. Figured shit why not??


went to ADULT PROM 09 this past saturday and had 1 hell of a time.
I got to relived my prom nite all over again but with no chaperone!
are you nuts!? Although it was a good time, I was a little disappointed
that our group were the only ones getting down on the dance floor.

^ not surprised at all. that's how my team rolls baby! ^pictures are worth a 1000 words..EGGAZ!!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

deleting friends on FB

a good friend of mine went on a rampage this morning and
started deleting people off her FB friends list. she said that
there's no use or room for acquaintances to be stickin around
and have the pleasure to check on my profile, just cause joe
shhmuck or betty wamps was a friend of a mutual friend.. I say
off with their heads! too bad im not that popular to delete some
people of my list, but i bet its exhilarating to have the power to
delete them foreverrrrrr on your list friends list! AHHHH the almighty
DELETE button!

Monday, August 10, 2009


been wanting to start this blogging shit, but havent had the time or any cool
shit to blog about, so i decided to skip the bullshit and blog about whoever, whatever, and whenever.